Monday, August 31, 2020

Monday Blues!!

Monday Blues!!! Last day of Summer, So go out to the beach enjoy have a barbeque, and a picinic. Go swimming plays ome volleyball or just take a long brisk walk with some friends and family. Don't miss being outdoors for last day of summer, exercise so important for your body and mind, if you can't exercise than just sunbath and  build some sandcastles with your kids, and just enjoy the company around you. Always wear your sunscreen it is very important to protect your skin, stay hydrated because the sun can take a lot of the nutriton out of your body. If their is a large gathering when you are on the beach social distance as best as you possible can. 

August is wellness month so any older men in your family and of course any senior citizens please get a check-up with your doctor regarding your BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia), the following symptoms of an enlarged prostate as follows: frequent urination, Nocturia, Weakness or a continous stream of urine, Dribbling at the end of urination, Inability to empty your bladder, Blood in the urine, Urinary incontience, Urinary retention, and Erectile dyfunction. So please if you are experiencing any of these symptoms please be advise to get medical attention immediately. Also to help with an enlarged proatate eat a balanced healthy meal, get sufficient amount of sleep, try not to get overly stressed in your daily life. But in the meantime try our natural herbal plant based supplement UMOOZE. 

August is National golf month so go out there and get dome exercise with some buddies and play a round of golf, enjoy the fresh air and comrade of your buddies. Even try to play on teams as a fun competition to see who can swing the hardest, the fastest and get a par in one. Golf is also escape from your work and other activities, But most of all it is a healthy way to help your enlarged prostate. Exercise is one of the best remedy for all men of all ages not only to be in tip top physically, but it is also great to stimulate your mind. 

So in the meantime please read and share our blog for a healthy and vibrant prostate!!!     


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