Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Men With BPH Get Over Hump Day at the Beach

Do you know what day this is? Happy Hump Day! We're in the middle of the first week of August. Remember August is Wellness Month and Golf Month. You could also be doing some activities on the beach, but remember to social distance. Some ideas for physical activity on the beach include taking a stroll, jogging, playing volleyball, and swimming (just be careful and be near the lifeguard). 

Remember when you're out in the sun, wear sunscreen protection, and don't forget about your dear old prostate. As men get older, their prostate grows larger in size. This is called BPH, and symptoms may include frequent urination, struggle to start and stop urination, sensation of urine remaining in the bladder, weak stream, dribble at the end of urination, and blood in urine. 

One of the recommendations by doctors for patients with mild BPH is to exercise and eat well. If you're struggling with getting up many times a night to go to the bathroom, one tip is to drink fluids during the day and less at night. Some men may think that drinking less fluids or not drinking will help with their frequent urination symptoms, but actually, this is wrong. Drinking less fluids will do two things: 1) it will dehydrate you, which is not good if you're out on a hot summer beach day, and 2) it will make urine in your bladder thicker, which can irritate the walls of the bladder. Again, the tip is to drink during the day and less at night. Avoid or reduce diuretics like caffeine and tea. Pelvic floor exercises may also help with the urges. 

So men, if you want to have fun beach days, remember to social distance and practice good prostate health. If you want a natural solution for mild BPH, consider UMOOZE (which contains astragalus and soy extracts). It had promising results in a clinical trial compared to a placebo. Restore your quality of life and enjoy volleyball at the beach with the boys! 


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