Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Riding the Wave in a Storm: BPH Edition

Riding the wave in the storm... Why weather the storm with BPH when it can be sunny skies with a dose of UMOOZE? You owe it to yourself to use an umbrella outside so don't forget about protecting what's inside too. Are you 50+? You have up to 80% risk of prostate enlargement. It can lead to kidney complications and urinary blockages. If you're below 50 and think it's smooth sailing, you still have a 25% chance. Why leave it up to chance when you can ride into the sunset?

August is National Wellness Month so enjoy some outdoor activities such as golfing, jogging taking in some sun, but don't forget to put the sunscreen on for protection. So don't ride the storm too rough because the waves will wipe you out. So keep safe from unexpected Hurricane Isaias.

Show your support for the common men's health condition BPH by reading and sharing our BPH blog as well as our socials: https://linktr.ee/sunjourhc 

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