Friday, September 11, 2020

No fear Friday is here!!!

 TGIF!! September is fall month with beautiful leaves of all different colors, take a walk on a trail, with your loved ones. Observe the beauty of nature of different changes of seasons, A great time to to take hike in the mountains, or a brisk walk with cooler temperatures coming, fall is time to celebrate holidays like Halloween, Thanksgiving, getting together with family and friends during this time. Take in the beautiful scenery observing the squirells running and hiding its food in a safe place, hearing the birds singing and chirping, what a wonderful sight to see. It is a great time to go camping with family before it gets cold, go fishing, swimming, or just hanging around campfire roasting marshmallows and telling scary ghost stories. The most important event is to get together with family and friends that you haven't seen because of your daily busy activities.   

September is Yoga month is another source of great fitness for your body and also your mind, do some stretching exercises some breathing exercise which relieves stress. Yoga benefits your health especially if you want to burn excessive calories. If you want to do some yoga the only devise you need is your yoga mat, you do not need any extentsive heavy equipment because it is not a competive sport like football or baseball or soccer. Yoga benefits your arms, legs, biceps, and even if you have a sore back, so don't hesitate do some yoga inside your home or even better go outside near a park or beach, but don't forget to social distance if you are around a large gathering. But best of all yoga gives you a full body work-out, but won't impact on your joints.

September is Pain Awarness Month so go your doctor and get your BPH checked out, BPH stands for (Benign Prostactic Hyplasia) it affects men especially over the age of sixty years old. Some of the causes are sex hormone changes, Obseity, Heart problems, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Prostate Cancer, and it also from genetics. Some of the symptoms following are: Frequent urination, Nocturia, Difficulty in starting urination or straining while urinating, Weak or continous stream of urine, Dribbling at the end of urination, Inability to empty your bladder, Blood in the urine, Urinary incontinence, Urinary retention, and Erectile dysfunction. Another good source for enlargement of your prostate is to eat a healthy well balanced meal, get enough exercise, get sufficient amount of sleep, and try not to be stressed. So in the meantime try our Herbal Natural PlantBased Supplement called UMOOZE. 

Please read and share our blog regarding BPH (Benign Prostactic Hyplasia) for a healthy prostate:  

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Thankful Thursday!!

Today is Thursday What are you thankful for? Your health which is very important. Is it payday today? What ever you are thankful for,it is one more day closer to friday. The month of September is a very fickle because the weather is trying to fiqure out to either be warm and humid, or to be cloudy and raining. But when it is a beautiful sunny day go out and enjoy it, take a walk, or a jog, ride your bicycle or just take in the scenery around you, the squirrels running around, the birds chirping, and people walking their dog. So get some exercise it sure benefit your body and mind.

September is Pain Awarness Month So did you get your BPH checked today? The main cause for a enlarged prostate is: Obesity, Diabetes, High blood pressure, Heart problems, and genetics. Another cause is change in hormone balance, and men with prostate cancer. The following symptoms regarding BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyplasia) are men who are over the age of sixty years old it effects mostly, Frequent urination, Nocturia, Diffculty in starting urination or straining while urinating, Weak or continous stream of urine, Dribbling at the end of urination, Inability to empty the bladder, Blood in urine, Urinary incontinence, Urinary retentuon, and Erectile Dysfunction. One of the most postive attributes you can do for your prostate is eat a healty balanced meal, get enough exercise, get enough sleep, and try not to be stressed which can be harmful for your prostate. So in the meantime try our Natural PlantBased Supplement UMOOZE!!!

September is also Yoga month so get ready to do some stretching exercises!!! Yoga is great for not only for toning up your muscles and joints, but it is a stress release for your mind.. Yoga you do not need heavy equipment you just need your yoga mat and you are ready to go!!! Yoga is fun for the whole family invite your friends also and do a yoga class, they will love it but remember always social diatance when you are within a large group of people. Yoga can be done inside your home or you prefer to go outside in the park, or the beach, or anywhere you feel comfortable doing some yoga. Yoga is very beneficial for you arms, leg, biceps, and it definitely helps with a sore back. Yoga is not a competive sport like football, or basketball etc.. So you don't need to compare yourself to others, yoga definitely burns calories, and we all need so help now and than..  

Please read and share our blog for a healthy and vibrant prostate!!  

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Wednesday Vibes!!


Happy Hump Day!!! Are you over the hump yet?? September is beginning of fall so go take a walk or a jog, go out for bicyle ride. Watch the different season come when the leaves turn different colors, a cool breeze along your walk is refreshing, and the birds chirping, and the squirrels hiding their food. A great time to take a hike in the mountains, it is great exercise for your body and to tone up your muscles and joints. Fall is a time when the days are shorter and the nights are longer so watch the sun go down is a wonderful scenery to enjoy with family. Fall is also time for holidays like Halloween and Thanksgiving which is a great time to spend with family and friends. Also don't forget daylights savings time so it is important to spend doing the most activities during the day since we gain an hour of sleep. So most of all make the best of your day by keeping busy doing activities with family and friends, and taking care of your body and mind.

September is Pain Awarness Month, so Men who are 60 and over should get their BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyplasia) checked out. The causes of BPH unknown changes in males sex horomnes might be a cause, also a family history of enlarged prostate, Obesity, Diabetes, or heart problems may be cause to BPH. The following symptoms are: Incomplete bladder empyting, Nocturia, Dribbling at the end of the urine stream, Incontience or leakage of urine, The need to strain while urinating, A weak urinary stream, A sudden urge to urinate, A slow or delayed urinary stream, Painful urination, Blood in the urine, and Erectile Dysfunction. Another good source to keep in mind is to exercise daily, eat a well balanced meal, and get a sufficient amount of sleep. So in the meantime try our Herbal PlantBased supplement UMOOZE.   

September is also Yoga month it is great exercise for your body and mind, it is not strenous exercise like playing football, or baseball. Yoga tones up your muscles and joints and at the same time relaxes your mind by doing breathing exercises. So if you decide to do yoga outside remember to take your yoga mat, and always social distance if you are in crowded place like a park or at the beach. While doing yoga you do not need any heavy equipment either, so yoga is a great workout to burn calories and strengtens your muscles and joints. Yoga is great to strengten your biceps, legs, thighs, or any part of your body and it gives you great flexibilty to all parts of your body. So go out there do some yoga it is very benefical to your total fitness and health.  

Please read and share our blog for a healthy prostate:  

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Happy Hump Day!!!

 Do you know what day this is?  Happy Hump day!! We are in the middle of the week, two more days till friday yay!!. September is time of season when leaves turn all different colors, and the temperature starts to cool now. But what I love about autumn is you can take a brisk walk or jog without sweating a lot, you can take in the fresh cool breeze, see the birds chirping, and the squirrels protecting their nuts in a tree. A beautiful time just to observe nature around you. Maybe a great idea is to go camping and take a hike in the woods, which is a fantastic exercise for your body and observe the beautiful scenery around you, maybe go fishing, swimming, or just hangout with family and friends around the campfire roasting marshmallows. It is just a glorious time to be around with nature, and wonderful time to spent  with loved ones.

September is also Pain Awarness Month!!! It is a good time to get your BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyplasia) checked out with your physician. BPH effects middle ages men and senior citizens. So if you are experiencing certain symptoms as follows: Frequent urination, Nocturia, Diffculty starting urination or straining while urinating, Wek or continous stream of urine, Dribbling at the end of urination, Inability to empty your bladder, Blood in the urine, Urinary incontinence, Urinary retention, and Erectile dysfunction. One of the best options you can do for your body is to eat a balanced meal, keep hydrated at all times, get sufficient amount a sleep at night, and try not to be stressed because it puts presssure not only on your body, but your mind also. So why don't you try our natural herbal plantbased supplement UMOOZE. 

September is also Yoga month which is great for your body and your mind. So if you decide to do some exercise you can do inside your home or go outside to a park or a beach, but don't forget to take your yoga mat. Yoga strengthens your muscles and is not strenuous on your joints, when doing Yoga you not need any equipment just use your own body strength. Yoga releases any stress consuming your mind especially since it is Pain Awarness Month it is so beneficial . Yoga does more than burn calories it poses strengtening and stretching with deep breathing and mediation or while relaxing your body and mind at the same time. 

So in the meantime please read and share blog for a healthy and vibrant prostate.  

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Tuesday Tips for your Thoughts!!

 Tuesday Tips for your Thoughts!!! It is the first day of September meaning it is Fall Month is when the leaves turn and you get ready for some cooler weather, even though it is still very warm during the day. But you can take a nice brisk walk at the beach, play some basketball and guys get ready for some football!! Another great exercise is playing baseball it is lot of fun and it is a group actvity with all your buddies and co-workers to enjoy. But remember even though it is cooler you still need to wear protection so don't forget the sunscreen it is very beneficial to your well being. 

September is Pain Awarness Month so men who are middle age or older senior citizens if you are experiencing any pain, go get a check-up with your doctor. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms as follows: Frequent urination, Nocturia, Diffculty in starting urination or straining while urinating, Weak or continous stream of urine, Dribbling at the end of urination, Inability to empty your bladder, Blood in the urine, Urinary incontinence, Urinary retention, and Erectile dysfunction. Another source the helps with BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) is a balanced meal, getting suffucient amount of sleep each night, and being stressed free as much as your body and mind can muster. So in the meantime try our natural herbal supplement UMOOZE

September is also Yoga Month is a another great source of keeping your body it tip top shape. Yoga is also great for the mind, Like they say it is mind over matter. Try to do some great stretch exercise tone up the best as you can, and soothe the mind. Another great tip with exercising doing yoga is it dosen't impact on your joints. What is great about Yoga is you can do it inside your house or choose to go to the park or any other outdoor surroundings and do Yoga there,  but don't forget to take your own Yoga mat. Another great tip when you are doing Yoga is you don't need equpment while doing Yoga is your own body weight for resistance. But remember if you decide to do some wonderful Yoga exercises always social dostance when you are outside in a large gathering. 

Please read and share our blog for a healthy and vibrant prostate