Happy Hump Day!!! Are you over the hump yet?? September is beginning of fall so go take a walk or a jog, go out for bicyle ride. Watch the different season come when the leaves turn different colors, a cool breeze along your walk is refreshing, and the birds chirping, and the squirrels hiding their food. A great time to take a hike in the mountains, it is great exercise for your body and to tone up your muscles and joints. Fall is a time when the days are shorter and the nights are longer so watch the sun go down is a wonderful scenery to enjoy with family. Fall is also time for holidays like Halloween and Thanksgiving which is a great time to spend with family and friends. Also don't forget daylights savings time so it is important to spend doing the most activities during the day since we gain an hour of sleep. So most of all make the best of your day by keeping busy doing activities with family and friends, and taking care of your body and mind.
September is Pain Awarness Month, so Men who are 60 and over should get their BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyplasia) checked out. The causes of BPH unknown changes in males sex horomnes might be a cause, also a family history of enlarged prostate, Obesity, Diabetes, or heart problems may be cause to BPH. The following symptoms are: Incomplete bladder empyting, Nocturia, Dribbling at the end of the urine stream, Incontience or leakage of urine, The need to strain while urinating, A weak urinary stream, A sudden urge to urinate, A slow or delayed urinary stream, Painful urination, Blood in the urine, and Erectile Dysfunction. Another good source to keep in mind is to exercise daily, eat a well balanced meal, and get a sufficient amount of sleep. So in the meantime try our Herbal PlantBased supplement UMOOZE.
September is also Yoga month it is great exercise for your body and mind, it is not strenous exercise like playing football, or baseball. Yoga tones up your muscles and joints and at the same time relaxes your mind by doing breathing exercises. So if you decide to do yoga outside remember to take your yoga mat, and always social distance if you are in crowded place like a park or at the beach. While doing yoga you do not need any heavy equipment either, so yoga is a great workout to burn calories and strengtens your muscles and joints. Yoga is great to strengten your biceps, legs, thighs, or any part of your body and it gives you great flexibilty to all parts of your body. So go out there do some yoga it is very benefical to your total fitness and health.
Please read and share our blog for a healthy prostate: https://linktr.ee/sunjourhc.
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