Thursday, September 10, 2020

Thankful Thursday!!

Today is Thursday What are you thankful for? Your health which is very important. Is it payday today? What ever you are thankful for,it is one more day closer to friday. The month of September is a very fickle because the weather is trying to fiqure out to either be warm and humid, or to be cloudy and raining. But when it is a beautiful sunny day go out and enjoy it, take a walk, or a jog, ride your bicycle or just take in the scenery around you, the squirrels running around, the birds chirping, and people walking their dog. So get some exercise it sure benefit your body and mind.

September is Pain Awarness Month So did you get your BPH checked today? The main cause for a enlarged prostate is: Obesity, Diabetes, High blood pressure, Heart problems, and genetics. Another cause is change in hormone balance, and men with prostate cancer. The following symptoms regarding BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyplasia) are men who are over the age of sixty years old it effects mostly, Frequent urination, Nocturia, Diffculty in starting urination or straining while urinating, Weak or continous stream of urine, Dribbling at the end of urination, Inability to empty the bladder, Blood in urine, Urinary incontinence, Urinary retentuon, and Erectile Dysfunction. One of the most postive attributes you can do for your prostate is eat a healty balanced meal, get enough exercise, get enough sleep, and try not to be stressed which can be harmful for your prostate. So in the meantime try our Natural PlantBased Supplement UMOOZE!!!

September is also Yoga month so get ready to do some stretching exercises!!! Yoga is great for not only for toning up your muscles and joints, but it is a stress release for your mind.. Yoga you do not need heavy equipment you just need your yoga mat and you are ready to go!!! Yoga is fun for the whole family invite your friends also and do a yoga class, they will love it but remember always social diatance when you are within a large group of people. Yoga can be done inside your home or you prefer to go outside in the park, or the beach, or anywhere you feel comfortable doing some yoga. Yoga is very beneficial for you arms, leg, biceps, and it definitely helps with a sore back. Yoga is not a competive sport like football, or basketball etc.. So you don't need to compare yourself to others, yoga definitely burns calories, and we all need so help now and than..  

Please read and share our blog for a healthy and vibrant prostate!!  

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