Wednesday, October 23, 2019

How's Your Prostate Health, Mr. Lawrence?

Next week young boys and girls will dress up in costume and collect candy all around the neighborhood. Unfortunately Mr. Lawrence might have other plans. Instead of standing at his front door giving away candy, he's most likely going to stand behind his bathroom door trying to push out his pee, just as he's been doing for the past several weeks. You see Mr. Lawrence is experiencing what most older men experience with age: an enlarged prostate. This is medically known as BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia). As a result he's having to get up many times at night to go to the bathroom and feeling like he still needs to pee even after straining to pee. His urinary situation sounds quite uncomfortable, and this is because of the male anatomy of the way the large prostate is squeezing the bladder and urethra. This diagnosis becomes increasingly more likely as a man gets older.

How can we help Mr. Lawrence so that he can partake in Halloween and give out candy to the children? Going to the doctor to monitor the condition and plan a course of action, healthy habits like eating nutritiously good food, activities like walking, jogging and swimming, avoiding spicy foods and caffeine to prevent aggravation of the prostate and urinary symptoms, reducing risks of infection by reducing sexual partners, and plant based, safe therapies could be the key to regaining quality of life after BPH! The frustration of BPH symptoms can sometimes cause frustration and depression in men if it's not treated, and in worse cases, become fatal if the man becomes completely unable to pee.

Let's help men like Mr. Lawrence get educated on prostate health so he can have a Happy Halloween and a Merry Christmas.

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