Wednesday, July 1, 2020

July is Parks and Recreation Month (and Canada Day) for Men with BPH!

(For recent news on COVID-19, visit this article:
To the Canadians out there, Happy Canada Day! It's a new month, and July is Parks and Recreation Month. Because of the global pandemic, it may be scary for some to go outside to visit parks, but if you practice social distancing and guidelines you can safely enjoy parks and have more walking activity to help manage your BPH. BPH is a men's health issue of the prostate where the prostate gland grows larger due to age and is common in older men. It is associated with frequent urination, especially at night, and poor urinary flow. 

This month, our blog's theme is Parks and Recreation (not the comedy show, haha)! Let's explore ideas to safely reduce our stress and increase physical activity in our beautiful parks to help reduce the impact of BPH and improve our overall health. 

Are you an outdoorsy type? Do you like going outdoors and taking walks around the park? We look forward to celebrating the green, promoting parks and nature, and finding activities for senior men to enjoy to help their BPH and other men's health issues alongside their family, friends and strangers (within a safe distance of course). 

Want to follow our journey through Parks and Recreation Month? Visit our linktree to find your preferred medium to read and share our content:

1 comment:

  1. Hello it's Damien! Four years ago I found out I was diagnosed with  HPV. I was heartbroken,  However a couple months ago I was recommended to a Dr. who helped me to get rid of the virus with natural herbal treatment. Now I fully believed in natural treatment thanks to Dr Olori. His contact information:, whatsapp  +2348110492548.
