Friday, May 18, 2018

Astragalus and soy: A natural and effective remedy against benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is characterized by an enlargement of the prostate caused by a major proliferation of prostatic cells and tissues. Due to this condition the bladder tends to get blocked, causing difficulty when urinating, among other symptoms.
There are some natural remedies that help improve problems brought about by the prostate growing to a size larger than normal. Among these remedies, astragalus and soy stand out as effective ingredients against BPH. 
A problem of the prostate
Benign prostatic hyperplasia is not related to cancer and its incidence rates increases as a man ages. Symptoms show up in the urinary tract, but proper detection should be performed by a special medical analysis, since it is possible to experience urinary symptoms without having BPH.
Some indications of this condition include increased frequency of urination, the urge to urinate at night, weak urinary stream and constant urgency to urinate. Treatments depend on the severity of symptoms.
Treatments vary from changing lifestyles in the case of mild symptoms to medications and surgery for moderate to severe symptoms.
Doctors recommend coping with benign prostatic hyperplasia by increasing physical activity, eating a healthy diet, avoiding the consumption of alcohol and regulating the ingestion of liquids, among other ideal habits. In addition patients can opt for natural alternative treatments that complement their lifestyle.
A natural and effective remedy
It has been found that some compounds found in nature can drastically improve benign prostatic hyperplasia. Two ingredients grab our attention for the effectiveness they’ve demonstrated: astragalus and soy. What is it about these two ingredients that make them so special?
For one thing, it has been discovered that the root of astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus) has great influence when it comes to improving the state of the immune system and combating fatigue.
This has resulted in its properties becoming famous around the world, because it improves acne, maintains hormonal balance, prevents osteoporosis and helps control diabetes.
In addition, scientists assure that this plant can be used to strengthen the immune system of patients with cancer who undergo chemotherapy sessions. At the same time, astragalus has become a great ally for men, as it helps maintain the prostate by reducing the effects of benign prostatic hyperplasia and male pattern baldness.
Along with said plant, another ingredient that can improve quality of life is soy (Glycine max). It is currently found as a compound of many products. Its positive effects on health manifest themselves as, for example, maintaining prostate health and fighting cancer and osteoporosis.
This food is favored for its abundant nutrients that are important to the body such as carbohydrates, healthy fats and proteins. Its components have been the subject of numerous studies in order to find out how to take advantage of soy’s maximum benefits.
In the same way, soy has garnered attention for its protection of the osseous system and against prostate problems like cancer, prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia.
The union of astragalus and soy becomes a natural and effective remedy for BPH. A treatment with these two ingredients would be capable of reducing the need to urinate every moment, especially at night, in addition to guaranteeing constant relief and a better quality of life.

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