Monday, June 8, 2020

Wishing Everyone Stay Safe and Healthy During Pride and Men's Health Month

During these difficult times of the global pandemic of COVID-19 and the global outrage over the repeated injustices against the black community in America, we want to encourage a safe environment for those of you who are exercising your right to peaceful demonstrations as well as to those of you staying home in the practice of social distancing. We hope you can be healthy in body and mind through tools such as nutrition awareness, mindful meditation, etc. 

This month we want to use our platform to lift the voices of the men's health community, as well as for people with male sexual organs in the LGBT community who can benefit from men's health awareness, whether they be a gay man, a transgender woman, a non-binary individual, and everyone under the sun who could use this information.

We often center our men's health awareness to one particular condition of prostate enlargement, also known as BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia). BPH commonly occurs later in a man's life as he ages as well as in people who have a prostate. This may be accompanied by a series of uncomfortable urinary symptoms including frequent urination (especially at night), poor or slow urinary flow, retention of urine in the bladder, struggle to stop or start urination, straining, and dribbling. There may even be sexual dysfunction. It's possible not many people know about this condition, nor are enough older men going to the doctor to find out if they have this condition. It's important to properly get a diagnosis as other prostate and even bladder conditions have similar symptoms. 

Men who are experiencing mild BPH may be recommended to try watchful waiting and positive lifestyle modifications by their doctor to see if symptoms can be managed early on before considering medication and surgery, usually reserved for moderate to severe BPH when management of symptoms is not enough. For mild BPH, taking a holistic approach (including reducing stress, following a nutritious diet, practicing voiding techniques, physical activity, and complementary or alternative herbal medicine) may be beneficial, too. 

We wish you safety and good health during men's health and pride month!       

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