Monday, June 22, 2020

Got BPH? You Can Still Enjoy Summer!

June is Men's Health Month! And, summer has officially arrived this past Father's Day weekend! When we think of summer, we think of long walks on the parks and beaches, barbeques, fishing and boating. However, the pandemic has limited our summer vacations a little bit. That doesn't mean that men with BPH can't enjoy the summer anyway!

What is BPH? BPH is the medical term used for men who have an enlarged prostate. An enlarged prostate can affect urinary and bladder health with uncomfortable symptoms like frequent urination, slow or weak urinary flow, and sensation of remaining urine after straining to pee. This is a common condition as men get older, but the problem is that not enough people know about it. The more people know, the easier it may be to start on a path to better health early and also manage symptoms if they start to arise. 

Just as men run maintenance on their cars, computers and fountain pens, they need to run maintenance on their bodies, too. Living in good health means a good night's rest, more energy, more productivity and time for relaxation, all of which contribute to a good quality of life. That also means being able to enjoy summer! This can be achieved with regular medical checkups, talking to your doctor, maintaining a healthy lifestyle with healthy nutrition, physical activity and supportive plant based therapy that is clinically proven (try searching for the study on UMOOZE on 

If you go out to the beach or park, be sure to maintain social distance, and if you have those barbeque gatherings, keep them in small numbers. Follow the guidelines of your local authorities and practice good hygiene (washing hands fingers and nails with soap for at least 20 seconds in depth). Use a face covering when going out in public to reduce the chances of spread from nose and mouth droplets. 

Together we can overcome the pandemic, and we can also share with men this Men's Health Month awareness of BPH! 

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