Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Remember Remember the Fifth of Movember: SunJour Supports Men's Health!

It's that time of year again! Men are growing mustaches for Movember. Whether you call it No Shave November or Movember, your goal is to raise awareness and garner support for men's health. The slogan is "stop men dying too young" because on average men die before women due to higher mortality rates and less support in comprehensive health, including mental health which may be caused by social stigma or lack of resources and education. Across the U.S., in every state men have higher mortality rates than women. On a national scale, about 864 men die for every 619 women. Whether it's largely discussed conditions like cancer or rarely discussed conditions like prostate enlargement, these health issues are affecting men all over the world and the Movember movement is seeking to help men live longer, happier lives free of  prolonged worry from these conditions.

Join SunJour in the conversation on how we can get more people talking about men's health!

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