Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Move More, Eat Healthy, Keep Prostate Problems at Bay

After a certain age, most people are admittedly telling you about your prostate, "Go get checked and screened!" or "Talk to your urologist!" But with stigma and skepticism behind treatments with risky side effect profiles, not many men may be talking about the prostate as much as they could.

Many times men are compared to women in how illness gets talked about. Women are more likely to talk about their health issues with family and friends, more likely to seek knowledge about health issues, more likely to see the doctor, and so on, with men falling behind in those departments. Is it because talking about uncomfortable symptoms (peeing a lot) and even mentioning the word "prostate" sound embarrassing and awkward? Could be. The stereotype is that men talk more about cars than their health.

The older a man gets, the more likely the prostate will develop some kind of issue (BPH, prostatitis, prostate cancer, etc.).

So how do we get men to care for their prostate aside from promoting free health screenings? Tell them to live a healthy lifestyle. Eating well, being more active, reducing stress and excess weight, reducing and/or eliminating tobacco and alcohol consumption, reducing or eliminating unprotected sex with multiple partners, and caring for their mental health are ways men can improve lifestyle. It might sound obvious, but living a healthy lifestyle may help reduce the risk or aggravation of problems with the prostate. Genetics of course are out of our control, but the way we live our lives is not. Even if you don't want to say to your bro, "take care of your prostate!" You could at the very least say, "take care of yourself!"

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